Grants for housing campaigns

Radical Housing Network: Small Grants

The Radical Housing Network has some money - up to £5,000 a year – which we want to use in the form of small grants of up to £500 to support local groups with their campaigns.

We will fund campaigning activities. We are particularly looking for activities that are linked to the demands of the People’s Housing Charter.

Examples of practical things that we will fund include leaflets, banners, renting a meeting space, equipment for filming or communications and setting up or development of a tenants/residents association.

We want to be flexible but we won’t fund anything that primarily benefits one individual, or that

primarily or solely pays for people’s time.

How to apply

Send your written or video proposal by email to

Your proposal should answer the following questions:

 What is your campaign?

 What would you like to achieve?

 How would you like to spend the grant?

 Would you like support from RHN during your campaign? If so, what?

 When/how will you report back to RHN on what you have done/achieved?

What happens next

We have set up a panel of RHN members to look at all grant proposals – at least 3 people will look

at each proposal. Every application will go to a RHN monthly meeting to be approved. This will

include a short presentation by the applicant(s) and the opportunity for RHN members to ask

questions. The panel will advise applicants on how to make a successful presentation at a RHN

monthly meeting. A decision will be made on the date of the RHN monthly meeting and you will be

informed of the decision immediately afterwards.

If, for any reason, we can’t approve your grant, we will be able to signpost you to other sources of

help or funding.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Resources, Charterradical housing